Coat & Scarf, Purse, ETC… Hanger – $60
What is it made of?
Coming Out of the Sea Blue Visitor -$100
What is it made of?
Mama Pacha/Mother Nature – $250
What is it made of?
Space Traveler – $200
What is it made of?
Green is Beautiful – $250
What is it made of?
Mahogany coat hanger – $60
What is it made of?
Large coat hanger with 2 buttons and 1 doorknob – $120
What is it made of?
Blue Clown Elephant $120
What is it made of?
Latch key kid raised on cornerstone food and video games – $40
What is it made of?
Mother Nature’s Sad Daughter – $80 (sold)
What is it made of?
Prices for Artwork